My Oyafuse 2019/2020 Experience
By: Tomikazu Okura
I decided to join Oyafuse this year because I thought it was a timely opportunity for me to experience living at the Jiba. There were a couple of options for me here at the Jiba but I thought studying at TLI would be a nice transition rather than enrolling in a program that was predominantly with Japanese students. I was always told by my parents that I will someday live and learn the teachings at the Jiba for some time, and I thought to partake in this program to not only spiritually mature but to direct me in the right direction for the future.
1. Oyafuse is a year-long program where many students from all over the world come to the Jiba to learn the teachings in detail and to develop their Japanese language proficiency. Oyafuse is within TLI (Tenrikyo Language Institute) so the majority of students who attend Oyafuse are TLI graduates, who strive to acquire a better understanding of the teachings to ultimately become teachers themselves and spread the teachings in their respective countries. On top of in-class learning, Oyafuse has many programs outside of the classroom, such as hinokishin, keidai and missionary work, where it is a great chance to further our spiritual growth by helping others and to sprinkle the fragrance.
2. My Oyafuse classmates come from 6 different nations: Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand. The age range is 20 to 29, with a mix of 12 girls and 7 guys. Oyafuse students all stay at their respective tsumesho and attend school by foot or bicycle.
The normal school schedule is Monday to Saturday, with Saturdays usually consisting of special programs (missionary work, hinokishin). The school day starts by attending the student prayer at the main sanctuary in the morning then heading to TLI afterwards. Morning classes are mostly sit-down lectures (Doctrine, Life of Oyasama, Japanese… etc.) then the afternoon program is usually more hands on, whether it be musical instrument practice, ritual procedure class, hand dance… etc.
3. Now that it has been over half a year since enrolling to Oyafuse, I can say that it has been a productive and humbling experience to be attending school at the Jiba. I am grateful to have the opportunity to pray at the main sanctuary every day, and to learn the teachings from so many wonderful teachers. Regarding my spiritual development, during the summer time, Oyafuse students have the chance to take part in Shuyoka from July to September, where I felt I could really come to terms with my faith. Before attending Oyafuse, I had doubts and a clouded outlook on my faith or Tenrikyo in general; however, while attending Shuyoka I was able to share time with so many wonderful people from all around Japan, and hearing their faith experiences and their outlook on life, really opened my eyes to a lot of things I took for granted or a deeper understanding about the Path. I feel like my time here has already been so worthwhile, and that the next couple of months will deepen my understanding of the teachings and strengthen my will to spread the teachings to others.
Thus, I encourage followers around my age to consider attending TLI and the Oyafuse program if interested. I feel like Oyafuse will not only deepen your understanding of the faith, but an opportunity to grow as a person by reflecting and connecting with others. I am in the midst of understanding myself but also the role I have as a yoboku once returning to Canada, and Oyafuse has been very beneficial in that sense.